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Doctors & Staff

Christopher Frohm, O.D.

Dr. Frohm grew up on the Northwest side of Chicago. He attended the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign before completing his doctoral studies at the Illinois College of Optometry. His training included rotations at the Illinois Eye Institute in Chicago, the Huntington VAMC in West Virginia, the Hellerstein and Brenner Vision Center in Denver, Colorado, and the University of Florida Department of Ophthalmology in Jacksonville, Florida.

After practicing on the corporate side of optometry for the past 5 years, he saw that both patient care and ophthalmic product choices were being guided by corporate incentives. He decided to open his own practice to allow his patients to receive the

best care possible. Patients would then receive comprehensive ocular care, and also be fully educated on all the vision correction services and products available to them.  Dr. Frohm puts an emphasis on preventative ocular health care and patient education. He has a close working relationship with many local ophthalmologists when advanced pathological eyecare is needed. Dr. Frohm is readily available for any ocular medical emergencies that may arise.

Dr. Frohm and his wife Maggie (who is also an optometrist) are proud residents of Northfield. He is currently a member of the Northfield-Winnetka Chamber of Commerce. In his free time, he enjoys walking his German Shepherd named Peyton, golfing and cheering on the Chicago Bulls.


Shala has worked in optical for over 10 wonderful years. Her skills include finding the perfect frame and lens options for your lifestyle needs. Shala takes pride in her amazing customer service and expert contact lens trainings. When she is not at work she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, shopping, watching movies, and listening to music.